#1 City Capsule Wardrobe: The Erin skirt pattern by Sew Over It

A while ago I decided to toy a bit with the capsule wardrobe idea. I like the thought of having garments that go well together and that dressing in the morning is a delight and not a 20 minute wasted time frame of hair pooling and nail biting (ok it is not that bad, but pointless staring at shelves and hangers certainly is). Also, it is about making what you will be wearing in the end which in my case meant more separates, basics and pants instead of dresses, dresses and dresses. I like me a dress, but I just do not wear them that often, especially not in autumn/winter. Therefore adjusting my sewing to this just makes more sense.

As per Wikipedia: „Capsule wardrobe is a term coined by Susie Faux, the owner of  London boutique called “Wardrobe” in the 1970s. According to Faux, a capsule wardrobe is a collection of a few essential items of clothing that don’t go out of fashion, such as skirts, trousers, and coats, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces.”

As per Susie Faux: „For more than 30 years since I developed the concept of the capsule wardrobe, it has been at the heart of Wardrobe’s approach to helping women develop their own confident style as they progress through their careers. It has also, I’m flattered to say, been copied countless times in many different contexts.”

Yes it was. Good ideas always are.



Some ideas of a capsule wardrobe say it is good to have 30 piece wardrobe to make it easier to choose and combine, but that part of the whole concept did not rub of on me. Nobody’s perfect.


My first foray into a capsule wardrobe concept was to try all the patterns from the Sew Over It Capsule Wardrobe City Break E-book. Well, you know, the word capsule is IN THE BOOK TITLE. When I first came across this book I liked one pattern and all others did not really impress me, so I skipped it. But then I was constantly seeing great garments popping up in my Instagram feed only to see that they were made from patterns in this e-book. Eventually I liked all of them, so when they were having a sale I got myself a copy.


I came up with a personal challenge to make one pattern each month and have a small capsule in 5 months time. It sounded reasonable and I am sure it is. I stuck to the plan for the first three months and made three garments, but then Christmas break happened. During the break I sewed a coat and need some rest afterwards and lost the track of time. But will resume at some point and make the remaining two patterns.


The first one I will talk about is the Erin skirt. I can not decide which pattern I like the best, but this one is definitely one of the first that got me to buy the e-book. It was the light denim version that got to me. So I made one for myself.


Spring? Where are you? I am ready!


I wanted to use wooden buttons because I thought that was the best combination. But as you know I had some clay buttons I made myself in pottery class and this was a perfect opportunity to use some of them. More so, as I couldn’t find the right size wooden ones for the life of me. I am happy in the end that I went with mine because I now have a FULLY me made garment. I do not know why I was resistant about it in the first place.


It has pockets!


Now let’s talk a bit about the pattern. The instructions in the e-book are clear and I would categorise this as an easy make aside from the buttonholes. But if your machine has an automatic buttonhole option be brave, Youtube it, practice on some scraps and go for it. I made a mistake and made the buttonholes horizontally and not vertically. This makes them poke out a bit outside of the button placket while moving or when I am holding my hands in the pockets. It does bother me a bit, but I can handle it. Will make sure to do it right next time. If you look at the instructions it says to do the top waist button horizontally but all others vertically. It makes sense, but requires you to follow instructions which I obviously did not do as carefully as I thought.



I had to take the side seams in at the hips. The fabric was sticking out too much but it was an easy fix to make. Overall the fit was great. I shortened the skirt a bit from the longer version so it covers my knees. It is more me that way.

The fabric is a light blue denim fabric. I would say it is medium to heavy weight and a bit stiff with no stretch. It is comfortable and was a good match for this pattern. It was passed down to me from my grandmother so I have no idea how old it is. A lot I would say (the things it has seen!). So I made sure to wash it and use it for something good.



Buttons were a delight to make and sew on. I had to hand sew them. They are made from the same template but each is a bit different and has different hole sizes and hole placement so I could not use my machine to automatically stitch them on. Telly watching and hand sewing it was.






I love the skirt and I cannot wait for some spring weather to wear it out.


Thank you for reading!







A thing about Pottery / O stvaranju keramike


I am coming to you with a different makes post today. My pottery makes.

I went to a pottery class in the last year with my sister. It is not a typical class with scheduled plan and timetable. We found Bosiljka Bahat who worked her whole life with pottery and now runs private pottery lessons at her studio. Private means that she works with one or two people per class so that worked great for my sister and me.


Danas ću pisati o malo drugačijim hobiju – lončarenju.

U nazad godinu dana išla sam na tečaj lončarenja sa sestrom. To nije bio tipični tečaj s rasporedom i programom. Naišli smo na Bosiljku Bahat koja je cijeli svoj život radila u lončarenju, a sada vodi privatne sate u svojem studiju.  Privatno znači da su sati za jednu do dvoje osobe što je meni i sestri savršeno odgovaralo.

Me and my sister hard at work (can you tell which one am I?) / Sestra i ja u punom zamahu (možete prepoznati koja sam ja?)

When we started I had no idea what to make. First time we went there we had a meet and great day to meet and for Bosiljka to get to know us to see what we would like to do. She had some kind of a big scarf over her outfit and the scarf was decorated with a single clay button. So of course I instantly had an ephiphany and buttons it was. My sister ended up doing a vase.


Kada smo započeli tečaj nisam imala ideju što izraditi. Prvi sat smo došli na upoznavanje kako bi se upoznali i kako bi Bosiljka vidjela što želimo raditi. Nosila je nekakav veliki šal koji je na jednom mjestu bio ukrašen jednim glinenim gumbom i tada je sve sjelo na svoje mjesto. Odlučila sam raditi gumbe. Sestra se odlučila raditi vazu.

My buttons! / Moji gumbi!

Buttons are small and they look like a quick make but it takes time to have them finished because you need to:

Gumbi su mali i izgledaju kao nešto što se može brzo izraditi, ali potrebno je vremena da bi ih završili jer trebate:

sand them / pobrusiti ih



paint them / pofarbati ih

And that is only part of the job.

I to je samo dio posla.


It takes time to prepare the clay, cut it out to right size, sand, paint, glaze, wait for it to dry and bake for them to be ready for use. Especially when you are doing it for the first time. I made several designs and some of them I already used for garments. Usually I am a wooden button kind of gal but when I have my own me made buttons I reach for them to make the garment fully ‘mine’. And the feeling is just that much better when you get to say thank you, I made it. All of it.
I used the white and blue set of buttons for my Erin skirt from the Sew Over It City Break Capsule wardrobe e-book as part of my personal capsule wardrobe challenge but I will write more about this in another post. Another version of the similar button design but in a different colourway will end up on my Flint shorts soon that I am making out of this weird shade of green linen.


Potrebno je dosta vremena da se pripremi glina, izreže u odgovarajuću veličinu, pobrusi, pofarba, glazira, posuši i ispeče da bi gumbi bili spremni za upotrebu. Posebno kada to sve radite prvi put. Napravila sam nekoliko dizajna i neke sam do sad već i iskoristila. Inače sam najslabija na drvene gumbe ali kada imam svoje vlastite gumbe ipak posežem za njima da bi neki odjevni predmet u potpunosti bio ‘moj’. I osjećaj je utoliko bolji kada kada možete reći hvala, to sam sama napravila. Sve to.
Plavo bijeli set za iskoristila za Erin skirt od Sew Over it iz njihove online knjige City Break Capsule wardrobe. To je bio dio mojeg osobnog izazova za izradu kapsularne garderobe, ali o tome ću detaljnije pisati u nekom drugom postu. Drugačija verzija sličnog dizajna će uskoro završiti na kratkim Flint hlačama koje radim u ovoj čudnoj zelenoj nijansi lana.


All the buttons! / Svi gumbi!
Blue flower buttons on Erin skirt / Plavi cvjetni gumbi na Erin šosu
Different colourway button / gumb u drugim bojama


In the second month of the class I made three quick makes. These were modelled on some templates so took lees time than they would if they were modelled by hand. First two are a pot and a plate made as a matching set. I painted them with Angoba paint on the outside with no glazing and with glazing colour on the inside (or top side). The plate is in our dinning area holding fruits and the pot is in my sewing area holding all the threads.


U drugom mjesecu tečaja sam izradila tri brža projekta. Brži su jer su izrađeni po predlošku, a ne ručno. Prva dva su bili posuda i tanjur koji su izrađeni kao komplet. Obojila sam ih angoba bojama bez glaziranja s donje strane, a s glazirnom bojom s gornje strane. Tanjur držim u blagovaoni za voće, a posudu pored šivaće mašine sa svim koncima.


The third make was a Christmas gift for my boyfriend. I decided to make him a beer mug painted with some music reference. Technically he asked me to do it for him, but let’s not fuss over the details. As there was not much time Bosiljka gave me a template of a mug she made earlier and had left over. So all I needed to do was to paint it. It is sort of a cheat for a Christmas present but it was the only way to get it done in time. I painted the mug in white and drew some typical Led Zeppelin details on it like zeppelin form the Mothership greatest hits album. This is not maybe the best one that symbolises them but was the easiest to draw on a mug. I also added the band’s “personal symbols” as they appear on the ‘Led Zeppelin IV’ album sleeve. At first I skipped that option as I thought it would be too tricky to do it without ending up with 4 black flecks but using the thinnest of brushes made it work. For a final kick I put the band name on the handle and I like that detail the most. On the bottom of the handle there is a slight dent in the mug design so I thought a detail like guitar pick would be fun. I realised I need to point out that one to people for them to go a-ha, but I like it. And boyfriend likes it so everybody wins.


Treća stvar koju sam izradila je božićni poklon za dečka. Odlučila sa napraviti kriglu za pivo s nekom muzičkom poveznicom. Tehnički me tražio da mu to napravim, ali pustimo detalje. Bosiljka mi je dala  predložak krigle koji je imala u radioni od ranijeg projekta. To je varanje kada se radi o božićnom poklonu, ali je to bio jedini način kako bi stigla na vrijeme imati gotovu kriglu. Obojila sam kriglu u bijelo i iscrtala detalje s nekoliko Led Zeppelin naslovnica albuma. Odabrala sam cepelin s Mothership best of albuma, koji možda nije najbolji odabir među njihovim opusom ali je svakako bio najlakši za nacrtati na kriglu. Nacrtala sam i ‘osobne simbole’ članova benda koji se nalaze na albumu ‘Led Zeppelin IV’. Isprva sam ih preskočila jer sam mislila da ću završiti s četiri crne fleke, ali najtanji mogući kist čini sve mogućim. Za završni detalj sam na ručku krigle napisala ime benda i taj detalj mi se najviše sviđa. Ispod ručke se kao detalj dizajna krigle nalazi malo udubljenje pa sam odlučila tu iz fore nacrtati crnu trzalicu. Taj detalj uvijek moram objasniti ljudima da bi shvatili što je tu pjesnik htio reći, ali meni se sviđa. I dečku se sviđa pa je ovo bio uspješan poklon.

Band member’s personal symbols / osobni simboli članova benda



In the third round I went for the vase. I searched Instagram for ideas and came to the class with several options but when you go to an artist for lessons you always hear this answer: „this is too regular and you can get that kind of a jar in any supermarket. We are going to make something more unique.“ Well, I could not agree more as a sewist. Although basics sewing is a big one for me I also like something nobody else has in my wardrobe – and on my shelves! So I went for a drastic design to have a beautiful vase for all those flowers I do not have. But now I can because I have a vase for them. Ta-da!


U trećem mjesecu sam se odlučila izraditi vizu. Pretražila sam Instagram za inspiraciju i došla na sat s par ideja. Ali kada radite s umjetnicom onda na takav prijedlog dobijete ovakav odgovor: „to je previše jednostavno i tako nešto možeš kupiti u bilo kojem supermarketu. Mi ćemo napraviti nešto jedinstveno.“ S tim se u potpunosti slažem kao netko tko šiva svoju robu. Iako volim šivati osnovne odjevne predmete također volim imati u ormaru nešto što nitko drugi nema – pa tako isto i na policama! Iz tog razloga sam se odlučila za drastični dizajn vaze za svo cvijeće koje nemam. Ali sada mogu imati jer imam vazu. Ta-da!



The vase is hand modelled (not on a wheel) and that took some time to make. I like that because it clears my mind and puts me in the right place while it is happening. The same as with sewing. You have to be in the moment. When the vase was made I had to decide on the colours. I had no idea what to do but went for a surprise element in the end. On the outside the vase is grey and glazed with a matt glazing but on the inside the vase is ‘painted’ with a colour glazing. It is fun to glaze it like that since you do not do it with a brush. You pour the glazing in and then pour it slowly out by tilting the vase and turning it while covering the whole surface with it. I am sure this can be better explained but I am lacking the vocabulary in this area even in Croatian so you will have to forgive me.


Vaza je ručno modelirana (ne na kolu) i zbog toga je modeliranje duže trajalo. To mi se sviđa jer kod modeliranja ispraznim glavu i koncentriram se na to što radim. Isto kao i kod šivanja. Morate biti prisutni u trenutku. Kada sam izmodelirala vazu trebala sam se odlučiti za boju. Nisam imala ideju ali sam na kraju sam se odlučila za element iznenađenja. Vaza je izvana siva i glazirana mat glazurom, a iznutra je pofarbana glazurnom bojom. Glaziranje glazurnom bojom je zabavno jer pri farbanju ne koristite kist. Unutrašnjost se farba tako da u vazu ulijete glazurnu boju, nagnete vazu i polagano izlijevate glazuru van, a pri tome vazu okrećete i prekrivate cijelu površinu glazurom.

The glazing process / proces glaziranja
Additional colouring with other glaze colours to make it more interesting / dodatno oslikavanje kistom drugom glazurnim bojama da bude interesantnije


The glaze colours as different colour before and after baking. This made it hard for me to imagine what I would get in the end. Bellow I have put the before and after pictures together so you can see what I am talking about. Pink becomes deep blue, what? But it does.

Glazirna boja je drugačije boje prije i poslije pečenja. Zbog toga mi je bilo teže zamisliti što ću na kraju dobiti kao gotov proizvod. Ispod su slike prije i poslije pečenja da možete vidjeti o čemu pričam. Roza postane tamno plava, što? Ali postane.

Glazing colours before (top) and after (bellow) baking / glazirne boje prije (gore) i poslije (dolje) pečenja

I love how all hobbies I have somehow go hand in hand with my sewing even without me planning it. How I used the pot to hold my threads for example, or of course, all the buttons!
Bellow I have added more photos of my sister’s makes and some in progress shots.

Sviđa mi se kako svi hobiji koje ima nekako idu ruku pod ruku sa šivanjem. Kako je posuda koju sam izradila idealna za držanje konaca i naravno svi gumbi koje imam spremne za ručno šivanje!
Ispod sam stavila još slika sestrinih uradaka i neke slike iz radione.



Buttons going into the oven / Gumbi idu u pećnicu
Sister with her vase / sestra sa svojom vazom
She also tried the wheel / Probala je i kolo





Thanks for reading!

Hvala na čitanju!


The story of Paola / Priča o Paoli – turtleneck pattern by Named Clothing

Named company has a strong position among indie pattern companies and it is clear why once you have a look at their pattern collection. They have great pieces and these patterns speak for them selves (I noticed Named does not promote itself as much on Instagram as others, yet everyone seams to go crazy for their patterns – that is at least my impression).
I have two of their patterns (although I crave for more) and the one I made (multiple times) so far is the Paola turtleneck. A great simple pattern that is a wardrobe staple. Ideal for a capsule wardrobe, if that is what rocks your boat. It rocks mine and I love the idea of a capsule wardrobe. Paola is one of the patterns in my winter capsule wardrobe. In all the colours, with all the fabric patterns. In stripes. In polka dots…. All goes with this pattern and you can choose which suits your style and wardrobe best.


Među brojnim indi firmama u svijetu šivanja firma Named je svakako našla svoje mjesto pri vrhu. Kad pogledate njihovu kolekciju krojeva postane vam jasno i zašto. Imaju odlične krojeve i oni su ti koji ih reklamiraju i čine brend.
Među svojom privatnom kolekcijom imam dva njihova kroja (iako ih želim još) i onaj koji sam izradila već više puta je dolčevita Paola. Jednostavan, ali tako ključan kroj za garderobu. Idealan kroj za kapsularnu garderobu, ako je to nešto što vam se sviđa. Meni je idea kapsularne garderobe odlična i Paola je važan dio moje zimske garderobe. Možete ju izraditi u jednoj boji, s ludim uzorkom, u tkanini s točkama ili crtama….kroj je toliko jednostavan da ga je lako kombinirati s raznim tkaninama da dobijete točno ono što bi najviše odgovaralo vama i vašem stilu.

Paola Turtleneck by Named Patterns / Dolčevita Paola od Named Patterns


It is easy and fast pattern to make and I have seen some sewist made it under an hour. I am not sure I fit into that group. I like to take my time. I make mistakes even with that, so I am not sure what would I end up with trying to fit it into an hour time frame. But still, making a top in an hour and half or so is great and you can think of a design during breakfast and go in that exact top out for lunch.


Kako je kroj jednostavan može ga se brzo sastaviti. Vidjela sam nekoliko žena koje su ga izradile unutar sat vremena. Ja nisam član tog kluba. Često napravim grešku ionako, a kada bi se trudila stisnuti sve unutar sat vremena ne znam s čime bi na kraju završila. Ali ako napravite dolčevitu unutar sat i pol vremena ili dva sata to je i dalje odličan osjećaj. Možete se sjetiti ideje za doručak i do vremena ručka već imate gotovu dolčevitu. 




I made one plane in a rusty orange, one in blue and white stripes and one grey with black polka dots. They are all great to combine with other separates and that is what I love about it. I mostly wear it tucked in as I like it better that way. And I love how good they look with a blazer – comfortable and classy at the same time. I mean, if a 077 agent can wear one you know it will take you places.


Do sada sam napravila tri verzije dolčevite: hrđavo narančastu, bijelo plavu s prugicama i sivu s crnim točkicama. Sve tri su mi odlične za kombinaciju s ostalim odjevnim predmetima iz ormara. Uglavnom ih nosim nagurane u hlače, tako mi se više sviđa silueta. I odlično izgleda u kombinaciji sa sakoom – ugodno i elegantno u isto vrijeme. Ako agent 007 može nositi dolčevitu onda znate da ste na pravom putu.

The first bond poster… make sure crop shows a head shot with the turtleneck
You see? / Vidite?

Image source / Izvor slike: 007

My three versions / Tri verzije iz moje radione
All hems are finished with a zig zag stitch / svi rubovi završeni su zig zag šavom
Tucked in is how it goes into the wild / Na zrak izlazi nagurana u hlače


My rusty version is made in a thin jersey. It is very comfortable but the jersey is so thin you can speculate of all that is going underneath, because every line shows. So I like to combine it with a blazer over it to cover that. I am proud to be style matching with the one and only Zach Galifianakis in Dinner for Schmucks – green blazer over rusty turtleneck! He actually rocks the turtleneck as a shirt front over a t-shirt. Maybe I should evolve to that level – it would sure keep my fabric from distorting in the wash after every wear. And that might be something I could actually do under an hour. Hm….


Narančastu verziju sa izradila u tankoj džersej tkanini. Ugodna je ali je tkanina toliko tanka da se kroz nju nazire svaka crta. Zato ju volim kombinirati sa sakoom. Ponosno nosim tu kombinaciju otkako sam shvatila da Zach Galifianakis u Večeri s idiotom (Dinner for Schmucks) nosi istu takvu kombinaciju. On čak nosi dolčevitu kao umetak preko obične majice kratkih rukava. Možda bi i ja trebala probati taj stil –  to bi svakako duže sačuvalo tkaninu zbog manjeg broja pranja. Tako bi možda i mogla sašiti odjevni predmet unutar sat vremena. Hm…..

Elusive clour but causal style – hence the arm on waist pose / neuhvatljiva boja ali opušten stil – stoga poza ruke na stuku

Dinner for Schmucks Zach Galifianakis

Style Duo / stilski dvojac

Image source / Izvor slike: 12

The polka dot one was the first I made and it is from a ponte roma fabric. It is warmer but since ponte roma does not stretch as much I get it a bit harder over my head. Not great when wearing bigger earrings but not something I could not live with. Just need to take the earrings of first. That is my tip of the day. But it goes to show that you can use different jersey weights for this one.


Prva koju sam napravila bi je ova siva verzija s crnim točkama tzv polka dot u debljoj džersej tkanini zvanoj Ponte Roma. Ta tkanina ima nešto slabiji postotak rastezljivosti i teža je, ali zbog toga i toplija za hladne zimske dane. Zbog slabije rastezljivosti malo ju teže prevlačim preko glave, ali to nije nešto s čime ne bi mogla živjeti. Samo trebam prvo skinuti naušnice. Ali upravo to pokazuje kao je moguće kombinirati razne vrste džersej tkanine za ovaj kroj.

Cool thicker fabric goes with cross over pose / kul deblja tkanina ide sa prekriženim rukama


The blue and white striped one is made of a lightweight jersey that is so soft, but unfortunately started to show the age a bit too soon. Not that it is old, but the surface is peeling. I fixed it with a simple shaving trick I saw online somewhere. I think I will have to do it often to keep it decent looking. It is always good to go with a higher quality fabric but you live and learn. I find that I like to spend time making something I will have and wear for a longer period of time so spending more money on something I will wear 30 times makes more sense than making something cheaper that might not last 10 wears. But when I was buying this fabric I really thought it was a better quality one. So I decided to enjoy it while it last and buy smarter next time.


Prugasta verzija u plavoj i bijeloj boji je izrađena u tanjoj mekanoj tkani koja nažalost pokazuje godine sa nošenjem. Nije stara ali se površina tkanine ljušti nakon trenja. Uspjela sam to popraviti s ‘depilacijom’ površine, trik koji sam nekad davno vidjela negdje na internetu. Mislim da ću to morati češće raditi da bi dolčevita izgledala pristojno. Zato je bolje uvijek raditi s kvalitetnijom tkaninom. Shvatila sam da radije potrošim više novaca na ono što će trajati 30 nošenja nego izraditi komad u lošijoj tkanini koja neće doživjeti ni 10 nošenja. Ali kada sam kupovala ovu tkaninu mislila sam da će biti kvalitetnija, tako da je uvijek moguće pogriješiti. Pa sam odlučila uživati u njoj dok traje i kupovati pametnije idući put.

casually social wave /  Opušten društveni pozdrav


I think this is one of many great jersey patterns out there that make you feel better during cold grey winter days. I like the warmth and love the funnel neck gives me and I plan of making more of these next winter.


Mislim da je ovo jedan od brojnih odličnih krojeva napravljen za džersej tkanine koji vam olakšavaju hladne i sive zimske dane. Volim toplinu koju mi daje tkanina oko vrata i planiram izraditi još komada iduće zime.


Thank you for reading!

Hvala na čitanju!








Me and Flint / Ja i Flint – pants pattern by Megan Nielsen

Today I will talk a little bit about my big love for the Flint pants pattern from Megan Nielsen. I fell in love with it when I first saw it, and I bought the pattern on the release date.


Danas ću malo pisati o velikoj ljubavi prema kroju hlača Flint od  Megan Nielsen. Čim je kroj objavljen zaljubila sam se u njegove linije i detalje i kupila ga na dan objave.


I made two cropped versions so far and I want to make more shorts for summer. The pattern is really easy to assemble. At first you might need some imagination regarding construction of the crossover closure, but when you make the first pair everything makes perfect sense. We are talking about pants with no zippers after all! The two closure options are either two buttons or a combination of a button and waist tie. A waist tie! I just love this details and as much as I believe in clean lines and minimalism on one hand I do not see myself making a pair without the bow. It is just too dang beautiful and different to skip.


Do sada sam napravila dvije duže verzije, ali i nekoliko kratkih hlača za ljeto je na listi želja. Kroj je vrlo jednostavan za izradu. Na prvu treba nešto mašte da bi shvatili kako se hlače zatvaraju u struku, ali kada izradite prvi par sve bude savršeno jasno. Ipak pričamo o hlačama bez ciferšlusa! Dvije opcije za zatvaranje hlača su dva gumba ili kombinacija gumba i mašne. Mašna! Toliko volim ovaj detalj i koliko god vjerovala u ljepotu jednostavnog dizajna i linija mislim da neću moći izraditi ovaj kroj bez mašne. Ipak je taj detalj nekako poseban. 

Their first outing at a wedding / njihov prvi izlazak na vjenčanju


Backstage view / pogled odostraga


Rust crepe version that does not look so rust in the pictures unfortunately / Hrđavo narančasta verzija koja nažalost ne izgleda toliko hrđavo narančasta na slikama

I made both versions is a crepe fabric and I love both colours. First pair I made was in a deep green medium weight crepe and the fabric is perfect for it. It has just the right weight to fall nicely and keep shape but also light enough to dance around you feet while moving. I love wearing them and how comfortable they feel.
The second pair is made in a lightweight rust coloured crepe. The colour s just beautiful and I was into it during fall when I was looking at copper like leaves all around. But the weight of the fabric means they swish around way more (like a no. 1 disco hit) and they do not hold the shape as good, specially around the hem. I have to admit that I do ship hand sewing finishes when I can use my machine, but it might have been a smarter move to do it the right way for this pair. The machine finish makes them look a bit like a home-made garment and not hand-made, which we all know is not the way to go. I might go back to that and revise it to make them a bit more presentable. But I still wear them and the bow looks spectacular in this fabric. Just saying.


Obje verzije sam napravila u krep tkanini i ne mogu se odlučiti koja boja mi je draža. prvi par sam napravila u tamno zelenoj krep tkanini srednje težine i to je odličan izbor za ovaj kroj. Tkanina ima točno pravu dozu težine tako da lijepo pada i pritom drži formu, ali u pokretu ipak pleše oko nogu. Volim ih nositi i toliko su ugodne.
Drugi par sam izradila iz laganog krepa u boji hrđe. To je bilo na jesen kada sam stalno bila okružena otpalim lišćem i ta boja mi nije izlazila iz glave. Kako je ova tkanina lakša hlače puno više plešu (kao najbolji disko hit) i zbog toga ne drže najbolje formu, pogotovo kod ruba. Moram priznati da kada postoji mogućnost završiti rub mašinom uvijek biram tu opciju ispred ručnog šivanja. Ali mislim da bi za ovaj par ručno šivanje bila sretnija opcija pa je to nešto čemu ću se možda ponovo vratiti i popraviti. To je razlog zbog kojeg ova verzija ispada više kao da je kućne izrade, a ne ručne izrade (što nije baš preporučeni recept za dobar stil). Ali svejedno ih nosim a mašna jednostavno izgleda spektakularno u ovoj tkanini. Samo kažem.


These were the first pants I ever made and I did not have to do any changes to the pattern. I think they are a great option for the first time pant makers out there since they are not overly fitted in the behind area. They are somewhat fitted in the waist with darts in the front and back and you can play with these to get them just right. They skim your hips like silk dreams and fall down. I think this is a very flattering look and great to learn the basic construction of pants before continuing with other more fitted patterns.


Ovo su prve hlače koje sam napravila i kroj nisam trebala dodatno prilagođavati. Mislim da je ovo odličan izbor za sve djevice po pitanju izrade hlača jer kroj nije uzak u stražnjem dijelu. Hlače su uske u području struka gdje ih lako možete oblikovati po svom tijelu, a lijepo padaju preko kukova. Ovo je odličan kroj za upoznavanje sa izradom i konstrukcijom hlača. 



They even make garages smile! / Čak izmamljuju osmijeh i na garažama!

I do get compliments when I wear them and funnily enough I was told that these pants are becoming my signature style. The truth is that all compliment go fast forward to Megan. So thank you Megan for jazzing up my style, it is much appreciated!


Dobila sam komplimente za ove hlače i čak mi je rečeno da su one postale moj potpis. Ali svo komplimenti idu ravno Megan za odličan kroj. Hvala Megan što si digla moj stil na viši nivo!



I will be making more shorts as well for the summer. The pattern can be made in one day, but me being not that fast when it comes to sewing I tend to do them in two or three afternoons. But shorts could be my do-it-in-one-day pattern. We shall see, I will report back.


Sašit ću i par kratkih hlača za ljeto. Hlače se mogu sašiti u jednom danu ali kako ja nisam najbrža po pitanju šivanja obično ih izradim u dva ili tri popodneva. Ali kratke hlače bi mogle biti brže i moj novi jednodnevni projekt. Izvještaj slijedi.



Thank you for stopping by!

Hvala na čitanju!



Sew Over It Chloe coat – my very first coat!


I ended 2017 by cutting out the Chloe coat pattern by Sew Over It. By this point I am sewing for 6ish years but I never made an outer garment before. I always thought I couldn’t get there by just trying, but I would need to first get a certain skill, attend a class or get a hold of a magic wand. But with time and with following other fellow sewists online I discovered you don’t need any of that, but you do need some experience and do what we all do best – try.

Entering 2018 I had my coat cut out, partially assembled, iron on stand by and one week into the new year I finished my first coat.

Me being awkward in front of the camera in my Chole coat

This pattern comes as part of the online class Intro to Sewing Coats: Chloe Coat. I wanted to make a coat for some time now but always struggled with the idea of doing it on my own with all the head scratching as part of the package. I also could not make it to local classes so online was the only way to go. And I love it! I bought the class, sat on it for few months (because that is what I do best) and at the end of December got around to it. It was time.

I like the ease of an online class because you can ‘attend’ it when ever you want and you can be in your pajamas if you like. So I first went through all classes in one go and then started doing it step by step replaying each video if necessary.

The fabric I used is some sort of wool blend I had in my stash for years, so do not really know the content. I am sure it has some percentage of poly in it, but since it did press well I still think it was not too much. All in all, perfect for a first coat project. The lining was a similar colored one since I thought that was about right for the first try and it was very affordable to get it from a local store (but as I do not have a picture of it you will just have to believe me).

A bad hair day and good coat day go so well together, don’t you think?

The online class was very helpful and Lisa takes you through all the stages. There are few camera angles for you to get the best look at what she is doing in each video. I read some reviews of the class before making the coat and some mentioned they could not see some of the steps Lisa was doing as her hands got in the way. There is some of that, but I did not have a problem with it and I clearly understood what I need to do. That might be one negative about the online class, but I did not have a problem with it so cannot really say it bothered me.

The assembly of a coat is straightforward and manageable for all sewists with some experience. It is meant to be a class and a pattern for first time coat sewers and if you made few things before you will be fine with making this coat. The tricky part came when I needed to some final stitches since I had a big wool coat at that point and it took some time getting the seam under the needle with the space a sewing machine can offer.

Sewing traffic jam

I used Ice wool for the shoulders, bagged out the lining and these were a first timers for me (I do not know if that is a word but I think it fits so well). Getting your heard around bagging out the lining is a process but you do get to the end and with few extra finishing touches you have a coat! And that is exactly why I wanted to do the class because I tend to be impatient when I need to do things all on my own and having someone to hold your hand takes some of the stress away.

The coat has two options for closure – zip and poppers. At first I decided to go with press studs but when I got to having a coat but still having to do all the hand sewing I changed my mind (and how great is that for us sewists!). I decided to leave any closures out and use just the brown leather belt I already had. I will go with the zip next time, but for now I am really enjoying it this way. And if I ever change my mind I can always add the press studs later.

I am maybe done with coat making for this season, but you never know what February can bring. I do have some hacks in mind for this pattern though so when the time comes for a second coat I have all the hack ideas and fabrics ready and steady to go.

Crispness of a back center seam


Side view without the belt


Did you make a coat yet and if yes, what was your first pattern to use?

Thanks for stopping by,


Welcome to my blog

This is my very first post. Yikes.

Well, I better get started then. I got the first idea to blog about a year ago. It took me only a year to start and now I am terrified what to do. But it does not seem to kill you so I might as well try.

I am in love with sewing and traveling and if you ask me that is the best way to spend my free time. So let’s see how I will be at writing about it in a foreign language.

sewing cat
My old cat with my old sewing machine